Kontroll i en flödesorienterad miljö

Kontroll i en flödesorienterad miljö

Varför skriver vi denna artikel Många organisationer väljer lean-agila metoder och principer som stöd för att förändra sitt arbetssätt. Syftet är att förbättra organisationens förmåga att effektivt utveckla, leverera och förvalta kvalitativa produkter/tjänster till...
Agile Manager – Challenges and contributions

Agile Manager – Challenges and contributions

Have you observed challenges for the line manager moving into an agile context? Is it somewhat unclear to you how the manager can truly contribute and be valuable in this new context? If answer is yes, you are not alone since we have met this perception in many...
Agile Manager – Transition and Responsibilities

Agile Manager – Transition and Responsibilities

When an organization adopts agile principles and ways of working, the role of the manager also changes. This article will help you to understand how the role of Manager change and what the responsibilities are. By Manager, we refer to a role having responsibility for...
Value Stream Identification

Value Stream Identification

This article is written with the aim of contributing lessons learned from work on forming team-based organizational structures in organizations that want to use Lean Agile principles in their digital product development. The intention is not to deep dive into how...
The Goal –  book summary

The Goal –
book summary

Presented in the form of a novel, this book explores concepts and thought patterns essential for enhancing the flow and productivity of a manufacturing plant. Productivity is defined as any action that brings us closer to our goal, which, in this context, should be...